while the 1st part a fortnight ago wasnt touch deeply about the life as a clinical student (here we call it co-as as in coassisstant of a doc), this second part was really helpful and give us quite images of the life as a clinical student. i'm really grateful to be given the chance by Him to be there to listen :)
i respect her because she has a way to care for her patients, her own stand to talk to others when she knows things arent right, in terms of hospital's rules, ethics, and yes, the syariat. The hard truth is that more and more people today started to give a sly look on doctors or other medical practicers. and who's there to be blamed? they temselves la. because of what? maybe some of the patients are just overreacting, which pushed them to end up in a court, suing for malpractices, but still, many of the sly looks received because of the attitude of doctors themselves. Since am a student of medicine myself, many times i went to see the doctor, and many times also i spoke to myself 'i dont want to be like this doctor.' sorry to say, they dont gain my respect. mungkin ape la sangat utk dapat respect dari saya, but still, i'm also a part of the society, which seek treatment from the same doctors also.
Listening more and more of the sharing, I feel like i cant patiently wait to be a doctor, or at least a clinical years student, so that I could be the 'walking ideal doctor' that the society wanna see.
or so i thought.
to think of it again, it's still isnt my time to be one.
biarla seyakin mana pun saya, it still isnt my time yet.
kenapa uni susah2 buat medical course sampai 5 or 6 tahun kalo dia tahu students boleh jadi doctor yg mantap by only 2 or 3 years. mesti ada reason/ things yg dorang nak develope kat students in that period of course.
pernah dengar cerita rama- rama yg tak sabar nak keluar kepompong utk terbang padahal dia blum cukup matang lagi?
last2 rama2 tu terbang kejap je, then jatuh sbb metamorphosis dia actually still blum complete.
'Wait till you're older'
have u seen this movie?
it's cantonese, i watched it years back.
about a boy, who cant wait to b an adult.
his wish granted, but he quickly become older and older day by day, until at one point, he's older than his own dad. it's saddening because he cant turn back the time.
apa yg saya nak cakap kat sini is that,
everything has its own hikmah/ lesson. you cant skip a stage of your life, but you have to undergo all of it, accordingly. appreciate one that you're in now, take as many lessons as you can, then move ahead to the next level with them.
every mark you left is a part of your journey, and makes up who you are today, or in the future.
p/s: cant wait for part 3 comes. hope there'll b more sniors willing to share :)
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