(rondocapriccio ringtone is blaring..... beep.)
aziz: kakyang! ni aziz ni. kakyang cuba teka aziz telefon dari mana?
me: eh? ntah. hanfon sape aziz guna?
aziz: ni aziz telefon guna handfon aziz sendiri tau! tadi baru beli.
me: waaaahhhhh! pakai duit sapa ni? mak bagi ke? kredit sape punye? ayah x marah ke?(banyak tul saye tanye.huhu)
aziz: tak. rm250 je.nokia. aziz pakai duit aziz la. =)
* * * * *
(beep... new msg)
1) kakyang buat apa? (3.00pm, 18 oct)
2) kakyang buat apa? (6.00pm, same day)
3) kakyang buat apa? (8.00pm, same day).
* * * * * *
the fon is ringing again.
aziz: kakyang! tadi kitorg dah jual hamster. anak2 stitch. 4 ekor yang kitorg jual..... bla bla bla.
many many days before, i'm quite mad when he told my mom dat he wants a hp. for a standard 3 kid, why do he need such thing? if it's just bcos his friends got so he also wants 1, duuuh. baik x yah.
now, i'm seriously happy he got his own hp. reasons:
1) i'm the 1st person he called when he bought the hp.
2) other than me, he only texts my big sis.
3) hamster updates!
4) technology close the distance, n we never feel to0 far away from each other.
5) msg aziz sangat comel! ^_^
* * * * *
absence makes the heart grew fonder aint it? . yep.
yay boleh comment ;)
bashu selamat dtg ke dunia ada blog sendiri
rajin2 update ye! ;)
Wah, dia baru 9 tahun dah ada handset sendiri? Aku 18 tahun baru pertama kali merasa handset sendiri.
huu.tau xpe. d first time i know, tatau nak marah die ke ape.
comel gile msg!
kak yang buat ape
my adik umur 10 tahun
da ade enset gak
mmg lawak la msg2 die
budak2 mmg comel :)
p/s : welcome to the blogging world :)
@ anish: heee thanks.
yep, kanak2 sgtla comel. kene tulis penuh2 baru dorang leh paham :P
i like the part when u said
"technology close the distance, n we never feel to0 far away from each other"
true2, x i can contact wiv most of my friends pon through the internet ^_^
abaikan x tu...huhu
haha.so true adlan. =)
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